The Moses House's Fan Box

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Street Music Workshop photos (June 24, 2009)

Here are some photos from the workshop on June 24, 2009. This is the freestyle side of things as they all took turns on the mic to hit their rhymes on a very spontaneous level.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Street Music Workshop Sessions (June 16, 2009)

This is the first video documentation of our new Street Music Workshop that takes place every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm at the North Tampa Rec Center in Sulphur Springs here in Tampa, FL. The goal behind the workshop is to nurture & bring out each kid's creative talent through the production and writing of their own individual rhymes, poetry, and songs. Many age groups from 5 years of age all the way through late teens and early twenties frequent the classes each week. In this video is one of the older participants, Toby, reciting one of his poems. Thanks go out to music instructors dj Chang Bang, Shunda K (Yo Majesty), Nilla Green, dj James West and Moses House educators Lance Arney, Maressa Dixon, Vanessa Hein (all three also from USF Anthropology), and Harold Richardson.